Sunday 4 January 2009

USGS Global Warming Links

With thanks to Stuart Hitch via SLN (text of original post...)

"About 125,000 years ago, during a warmer climatic interval in the last interglacial stage, sea level was about 6 meters (about 19.7 feet) higher than it is today.

About 2.2 million years ago, during an even warmer inter val, sea level is estimated to have been 25 to 50 meters (about 82 to 164 feet) higher."

Good to see some acceptance that the world HAS been warmer in the past and that sea levels HAVE been higher instead of the usual "warmest decade on record" scaremongering. Presumably these were totally natural warming events - if not those prehistorics must have had hellish carbon footprints!

Also worth a look ..... repeat photographs of glaciers ...... some have retreated and some have advanced. "

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