This is available from the GA Shop: priced just under £30 for GA members.
It's the first book of its kind to cover GIS at this level.
After an introduction to GIS, which includes a range of practical applications. I like the fact that it starts with a simple image of supermarket loyalty cards. When I used to teach 'A' level ICT, there was a section on the importance and value of data collection of this type, which can be used to populate a database of geo-referenced data linked to individual's shopping patterns.
The book explores methods and techniques of data analysis and GIS output and applications.
What teachers will perhaps find particularly useful are the 5 practical exercises which use ArcView 9.2 (a 12 month trial of the software and mapping data are included on the DVD that accompanies the book)
1. Where are all the people ? - map the UK's population density
2. How do patterns of crime vary across England and Wales ?
3. Is there a relationship between crime and levels of urban development ?
4. How does economic and social structure vary across the Cambridge urban-rural fringe ?
5. Mapping areas of low flood risk
Every activity has been fully explained with screenshots of every step of the process and full descriptions of which key to press....
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