In addition to the usual features, such as a particularly good Webwatch, there are some feature pieces on the concept of INTERDEPENDENCE.
The middle section was the bit I edited.
Highlights of the issue include:
- "Thinking inside the box": an article on the BBC 'box' project by me
- "Connecting Classrooms": an article by Graham Goldup on a project to develop a school link with Arusha, Tanzania & Brighton schools
- "Windwards Revisited": an article by Martin Crabbe on the ongoing links that he has maintained following a trip to the Windward Islands in 2005
- "Interdependence Day": a summary of the report by Joe Smith of the Open University
- "Food glorious food - but for how much longer ?": an article by me on a TDA CPD unit that I'm writing - contrary to what it says in the magazine it's not quite finished yet....
- "Cheap food and global interdependence" by Peter Jackson of the University of Sheffield
- "Into Africa" - Emma Cook talking about her toolkit book
- "A Thorny Issue" - Louise Ellis talking about her toolkit book
Thanks in particular to David Rayner, Graham Goldup, Joe Smith, Peter Jackson, Martin Crabbe, Louise Ellis and Emma Cook
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