Details of the Geographical Association's first Post 16 National Conference are now on the GA website.
Friday, 27 November 2009
GA Post-16 National Conference
Details of the Geographical Association's first Post 16 National Conference are now on the GA website.
Saturday, 21 November 2009
The Climate Challenge

OXFAM have launched a new website called "THE CLIMATE CHALLENGE" ahead of the Copenhagen climate conference.
The game is also available in a range of languages including CHINESE....
Saturday, 14 November 2009
Royal Academy of Art exhibition

Thursday, 5 November 2009
"Rebranding" in Lake District

Wednesday, 28 October 2009
The Future of Work
Friday, 25 September 2009
Social Inequality

A conference for level 3 students of Geography, Humanities, Sociology and Health Studies.
Danny Dorling and colleagues John Pritchard and Dan Vickers from SASI were present, and presented on the issue of Social Inequality, using images from WORLDMAPPER and talking about their work.
Friday, 18 September 2009
Facebook Profile Template
And followed shortly after by a TWITTER template, also produced by the inimitable Tony...
UPDATE: Here is some fantastic work by Year 9 students from Seaford Head Community College, who used the idea in their Geography lessons with Miss Smith. I love these. Thanks for sharing. I'd love to see some other examples...
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
Using Flip videos in the classroom

- If you have an older version of powerpoint CLICK HERE
- If you have Powerpoint (Office) 2007 CLICK HERE
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Latest Shift Happens update
Because it fills 5 minutes of any CPD session...
Podcasts for A level

Some useful podcasts produced in association with NERC and made available at the Geological Society website.
Friday, 4 September 2009
New GA website now live....

The GA web team: Anne Greaves and Ben Major, have been working away for months with designers Ledgard Jepson on a new website for the Geographical Association, and it is now live, after several weeks of beta testing and tweaking. Visit the GA URL to see the new site.
The site looks a lot brighter, clearer and easier to navigate, and uses more of the screen’s width. Thanks to a major effort on tagging the resources, it is also easier to find things using the ‘Search’ function if they are not immediately obvious from the home page, and a new ‘Resource Finder’ should help you find something appropriate to the key stage and topic that you are interested in quickly, or items written by a particular author.
A one page user guide to the new site and how it’s laid out can be downloaded by following the link (PDF download):
Members can also bookmark their most useful sections of the website on their own personal homepage. Logging in to the site will provide members with details about their account, and allow access to the journals which you subscribe to.
There are plenty of new items in the shop, which are displayed in a scrolling window, which will also suggest items that might be of relevance to you if you login.
News is easier to find, and has all been updated.
If you are not already a GA member, this is a good time to join and take advantage of the many membership benefits.
The website is also home to all the resources supporting the GA’s manifesto for school geography “a different view”.
Download the latest GA MAGAZINE from the site now
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
Extreme Environments CPD

There's an event planned for the 23rd of October in Sheffield which you might find useful.
It's being organised by the Prince's Teaching Institute, in association with the Geographical Association and the Fuchs Foundation.
It includes a keynote by Professor David Lambert.
Full details are available HERE.
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
Animoto now with added video...
Now when people ask me at CPD sessions "can you put videos into Animoto" I can say, "Yes, yes you can...."
Cultural Globalisation

This uses the GRACE NOTE service, which is used to add TRACK INFO to iTunes and other music player software, such as my Creative Zen XFi....
As you can see, the map can be used to focus on a particular country, and you are then presented with the current most popular Top Ten artists and albums for that country.

This is particularly interesting when related to places such as China or Japan.

Worth using for investigating cultural globalisation and the spread of certain musical artists worldwide.
Which countries have indigenous artists resisting the cultural imports ?
Lady Gaga big in China ? - enquiry into why ?
Saturday, 15 August 2009
Devon Coastal Landscapes
A little Flickrslidr slideshow of some of my favourite Devon images
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Monday, 13 July 2009
Urban Geographies of Brighton
Discovering the Arctic
Discovering the Arctic has a range of resources, images and activities which make it an essential visit for those using the Polar regions as a context for learning activities.
Developed by the RGS-IBG in association with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Scottish Association for Marine Science, and the British Antarctic Survey.
Saturday, 27 June 2009
Climate Change projections

Part 1 of the outcomes from Flood Management 09 at the Barbican earlier this week...
Many of the speakers referred to the latest climate projections which had been released on the DEFRA website earlier that week, and had been reported in many of newspapers.
Hilary Benn introduces the projections as being very 'sobering'.
5 things that need doing:
1. to protect people from the immediate risks
2. to plan (e.g. motorway drainage, emergency plans) for the future - the adaptation report is currently being consulted on until September (one for 6th formers perhaps to get involved with
3. to work internationally on a climate agreement
Also refers to importance of Copenhagen 2009 - the website is well worth visiting - has plenty of useful resources for teachers and students

Delve into the projections page to find all sorts of maps, graphics and information on the likely changes between now and 2080 on a range of climate indicators.
Friday, 5 June 2009
Leeds University free CPD for Secondary Geography
The annual event for secondary geographers will take place later this month: on Saturday the 20th of June, at Leeds University. is a PDF file with all the details that you will need. Some excellent sessions.
Visit the website for more details on how to book - there are still spaces available.
The event is free, and delegates will be given refreshments, a buffet lunch and materials to take away.
Monday, 1 June 2009
Geography Training: Edexcel units possibly ?

GEOGRAPHY TRAINING joins together the Geographical Association's own Alan Parkinson, with International Baccalaureate specialist, and creator of Geography all the Way: Richard Allaway.
In addition to the existing face-to-face and online CPD opportunities available from the Geographical Association, we offer a tailored service, with training to match your needs, at a venue to suit you.
Areas of speciality:
- Creative approaches for the teaching of Geography
- The use of Information and Communication Technology in Geography teaching
- Recent changes to the Key Stage 3 and GCSE programmes
- International Baccalaureate Geography - including the 2009 syllabus change
- IGCSE Geography
- Training focused upon application such as Google Earth, GIS applications, web2 tools etc
If you are interested please get in touch to discuss our availability and the necessary fees.
Sunday, 10 May 2009
Saturday, 9 May 2009
Geography of Disease
....the swine flew...
For those using the "Geography of Disease"
Saturday, 2 May 2009
Wednesday, 29 April 2009
Tornado Websites

Wednesday, 22 April 2009
One for you or your AS students ?

Free Fieldwork courses: Teacher Master-class & AS Student Summer School
An opportunity for students and teachers alike...
The Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) is providing fully funded opportunities for AS geography students and for geography teachers through our Learning and Leading programme.
They are offering fully funded places on two separate residential courses, based at the RGS-IBG in London led by experienced staff from the Society and other professionals. Full costs will be covered including accommodation, food and travel to and from RGS-IBG:
Teacher Fieldwork Masterclass: Monday 17th - Friday 21st August 2009
Teachers will visit a wide range of sites in London which provide opportunities for teaching and learning in geography – topics include the Olympics and sustainability. The course will cover a variety of fieldwork techniques, ideas for low cost and local fieldwork and safety management and ideas for easy to use ICT and GIS. There will be opportunities to share experiences with other teachers and plan and create resources to take back to school and share with others.
AS student Fieldwork Summer School: Monday 24th - Friday 28th August 2009
Students will visit a wide range of sites in London which provide opportunities for learning in geography. They will have the opportunity to develop investigative skills and use a variety of fieldwork techniques. They will find out about further study and career options in geography. The course will provide opportunities for personal development, working with other students from around the UK, building confidence and independence.
The aim of the programme is to increase the opportunities and motivation for self development among young people through the use of fieldwork, specifically supporting those who may not have been able to undertake such activities due to challenging circumstances or a lack of opportunity and who are keen to continue their geographical studies at university. In relation to teachers this supports the development of a department’s provision in geography.
We are requesting applications for both courses by Friday 8th May 2009. Further details and application forms can be downloaded from or by contacting:
Amber Sorrell
Learning and Leading Project Coordinator
Royal Geographical Society (with IBG)
T: 020 7591 3180
Added on behalf of Amber Sorrell
Saturday, 11 April 2009
Plastiki 17 days from launch...

Just been writing some resources for the GA's website on the forthcoming PLASTIKI expedition.

Friday, 3 April 2009
Saturday, 28 March 2009
Twitter and Data Mining

Have been following a few stories recently, and using the idea of 'data mining' the 'Twittersphere' as a resource.

Thursday, 26 March 2009
Gapminder reminder....
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
Climate Change Imagery
AK-03 Columbia Glacier from Cliff from Extreme Ice Survey on Vimeo.
Monday, 23 March 2009
Exeter Urban Rebranding
Friday, 20 March 2009
Photosynth: a possible fieldtrip activity

Thursday, 19 March 2009
Google Street View UK launched

Today is the launch of the widely anticipated Google Street View. I had an invitation to attend, and would like to have been there, but had another appointment today pre-booked.
UK cities covered so far
- Birmingham
- Bristol
- Cambridge
- Coventry
- Derby
- Leeds
- Liverpool
- London
- Manchester
- Newcastle
- Norwich,
- Nottingham,
- Oxford
- Scunthorpe
- Sheffield
- Southampton
- York
Northern Ireland
- Belfast
- Aberdeen
- Dundee
- Edinburgh
- Glasgow
- Cardiff
- Swansea
Friday, 13 March 2009
Results are in...
BBC Box Update
A recent e-mail from James Woolven, who teaches in one of the GA's CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE reminded me to check on the box, and it has recently arrived in BRAZIL.
The BBC website follows some of the goods that arrived in the USA from China into the stores where they were sold.
The box was then loaded with a cargo of 'household goods'.
The box is now in Santos in Brazil, and there is another very useful BBC ARTICLE describing the changing economic circumstances facing Brazil. This would be very useful for 'A' level GLOBALISATION topics.
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
Billy Connolly in Canada and Nunavut

Tuesday, 10 March 2009
DFID Consultation - Global Poverty

The Fight Against World Poverty
Where next for the UK?
Your chance to shape the debate...
“The Global community faces enormous challenges. The economic crisis, food security, climate change, energy insecurity, conflict, rising population – these are challenges of unprecedented magnitude which affect us all, and in particular the world’s poorest and most vulnerable. The nature of this interdependence means that it has never been so important to invest in our common future.” Douglas Alexander, Secretary of State for International Development (10 Feb 2009)
In response to the challenges currently being faced the Department for International Development (DFID) is working on a new narrative for international development that will culminate in a White Paper that will be published in July 2009.
At these events you’ll hear from a DFID Minister, a speaker from one of the many organisations that work hard to help eliminate global poverty e.g. Oxfam and inspiring stories from volunteers who have worked on an international development project. You’ll have the chance to ask the speakers any questions you have and to take part in debating a particular topic at your table that will be fed back and inform the direction of DFID’s work.
Thursday, 26 February 2009
Latest edition of New Scientist

Monday, 23 February 2009

Sunday, 22 February 2009
Thursday, 19 February 2009
London 2012: both sides of the coin...
Meanwhile, here is Noel Jenkins with the first of a planned series of videos looking at the impact in Portland, where the sailing events are going to be held.
Impact of the 2012 Olympics on a local business from Noel Jenkins on Vimeo.
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
Snow Day
Just added my details to the #uksnow map that Ben Marsh produced.

Tuesday, 3 February 2009
Extreme Weather or Not ?

Derek Smalls in 'This is Spinal Tap'
At lunchtime yesterday it was out to collect my kids from their primary school, which has closed early due to the weather forecast being a worsening situation. This morning was an interesting slippy walk, but they were safely delivered.
Meanwhile, over in Australia, there is a record breaking HEATWAVE which has led to parts of daily life grinding to a halt.
Back to the snow finally, The Register: the satirical website had a funny report, although it has a rude word, so you can find it yourself if you want the full version.
There was also a good map on the GOOGLE MAPS MANIA website, which was related to TWITTER, and is mentioned in this BBC NEWS REPORT.
Monday, 2 February 2009
Google Earth 5 now available to download.

Are you up to date ?
The latest version of Google Earth has been put on the website to download.
It's Google Earth 5
It features the much anticipated Ocean flood and surface data, plus new historical imagery and improved touring facilities.
Get yours today.
Extreme Weather ?
"Oh what a night, late December back in '63.."
and it was, because I was born then.
Theo K, a Twitter contact led me to this classic YouTube video showing the snow of that winter, and how the trains kept running....
and today....
Friday, 23 January 2009
A possible new assessment model for the future

Alastair explained how Louis Thurston had developed this theory of assessment in the 1920s, based on simply comparing one piece of work directly with another. Alastair argued that abstract assessment criteria did not help in the process of marking, as examiners inevitably convert the abstract into concrete exemplars, increasing variability and unreliability. So why not just compare work directly? If enough comparisons between two different pieces of work are made by enough judges, a very reliable rank order emerges (the one that always wins moves to the top, the one that always looses goes to the bottom and the others spread appropriately between). I understand that QCA use this system already to monitor inter-board comparability, basically to ensure an ‘A’ in maths from OCR is the same as an ‘A’ in maths from Edexcel.
The problem lies in the scale of the award. With twenty paper scripts and half a dozen judges it can be done round a table, but when there are thousands of scripts and dozens of judges it becomes a logistical impossibility. However, with the advent of web-based portfolios, like the e-scape set of portfolios, are available anywhere and anytime each assessor has an internet connection. Multiple copies can be viewed at anytime, making the paired process possible in a high-stake assessment for the first time.